Friday, August 17, 2012

What's going on here in the U.S.A.? 

There's certainly much confusion going on and the media loves it.  I notice the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA feasts on more and more garbage too just to make money and sell water filters, freeze dried food, gold, silver, and other "heath products".  If you watch close you'll realize that everyone is doing everything they do for the ALMIGHTY U.S. DOLLAR.  They really don't care about anyone but themselves.  And that's the very reason why this nation is about to fall down dead because of the sin of pride.  Not only that the LORD God has a short work to perform upon the earth and he's going to trash it all soon in judgement. 

Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin [is] a reproach to any people.
---PROVERBS 14.34

If you don't know what's going on in the U.S.A. then you need to get out more.  You might be met with some resistance for traveling as a freedom loving American but get out there and find out for yourself.  I just did recently and even though there are some things that are troubling the majority of the people and places are still rather pleasant to enjoy in this transitory world.

As for the media and alternative media I'm beginning to distrust the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA more and more as they used to seem like they were keeping the MAINSTREAM MEDIA honest.  Now the ALTERNATIVE MEDIA has their own agenda of dishonesty and deception.  

I have no use for Max Keiser anymore as he is nothing but an entertainer who is a fornicating reprobate that lives in France and mouths off like other "truthers" about the banksters and criminal government for his own filthy lucre and greediness of gain:
