This is my personal arrangement to provide a useful format for discussing and disseminating breaking news and information.
Opinions posted here are not necessarily my own. If you are offended by wide open discussions of news, life, politics and religious things, and God's word, kindly get out of here NOW.
At times sources quoted here are suspect at best. I try to make sure they are correct, but I do err at times. Comments by readers are theirs alone, I may or may not approve of their opinions.
How much GOLD and SILVER should people have for the coming crisis?
Some say as much as you can afford:
The following is a reasonable family plan that may be considered for all Americans:
At the time of this post if you were to purchase ONE ROLL of AMERICAN GOLD EAGLES as shown above the cost is currently on an average of $27,347 for a 20 COIN TUBE. A 20 COIN MINT TUBE of AMERICAN SILVER EAGLES as shown above is running about $435.00. If you cannot afford to purchase gold many people are moving into silver and buying smaller denominations of gold as protection against the financial instability that is rapidly approaching. Some suggestions are to have at least 365 ounces of emergency silver ounces on hand for a years worth of financial protection which is a ONE COIN PER DAY strategy to serve as financial insurance. It would be ideal to have 12 OUNCES OF GOLD also as ONE COIN PER MONTH IN A YEAR CRISIS. This however may not be financially practical for all families so a fractional 6 MONTH PLAN can be implemented also and still have a reasonable amount of resources available in the coming financial storm.
Watch The Bo Poliny UPDATE BELOW:
The following report contains calculations based on THE HOLY BIBLE or in other words BIBLICAL CALCULATIONS. Bo Polny has about an 80% accurate track record against a market that is admittedly controlled by those men in high places that serve the god of this world. So when one such as Bo Polny takes a biblical approach to economic trends there will be much calumny that comes along from them that believe not. I would say that this message is worth it's salt in these current critical financial times. And if you don't prepare to protect your financial solvency then you might be one of the SIMPLE ONES: A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished. --PROVERBS 22.3
CERN is doing something with Lucifer and the fallen angels
This is scary stuff folks so probably the best thing to do is buy GOLD and SILVER and STORE FOOD for the coming CATASTROPHIC events that are about to occur including but not limited to:
The Yellowstone Super Volcano
EMP nuke attack
Major earthquake and devastation
Giants in the earth coming to get us in the tribulation
Martial Law
Election Cancellation
Stock Market Crash
U.S. Dollar collapse
Also get all the DVDs you can get right now from Steve Quayle, Lindsey Williams, and Gary Heavin and many other prophets and prophetesses who can discern the times we are in and continually keep us informed with their updates. You might want to keep a dedicated computer with a DVD player in a FARADAY CAGE to protect it along with a solar powered generator so you can watch these DVD's on what to do. Hopefully Dockidds and even Barnone11970 will make DVDs so we have more information on what to do if we miss the rapture and how to handle the coning election cancellation and so forth. There's a lot of things to buy and study folks. Hey don't worry--it's only paper money and it's worthless so spend it while you got it.
Disregard what the Apostle Paul had to say because he didn't live in such perilous times as we are in. We have to think on these things that are being reported by all of our truthers and patriots who are doing their best to keep us all safe and fight the tyranny and enemies of America:
Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. --PHILIPPIANS 4.8
Here's some additional information and further details from the men in the know such as Alex Jones, Steve Quayle, Tim Alberino, Gary Heavin, Doug Hagmann and Son, not to mention others such as barnone11970, Lyn Leahz, Lisa Haven, and loads of others...BUY ALL THEIR STUFF!...
Is the "God of forces" Lucifer or Satan? or is it God?
But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: anda god whom his
fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with
precious stones, and pleasant things.
--DANIEL 11.38
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. --II TIMOTHY 2.15
Recently as my usual manner is I listened to another sermon by Pastor Charles Lawson from Temple Baptist Church in Knoxville, Tennessee U.S.A. He seems to indicate in this study that the "God of forces" is Lucifer or Satan. I'm going to be reviewing this further to see whether these things are so.
Right now I'm more inclined to believe the capital "G" "God" is not Lucifer or Satan. Many KJV ONLY BIBLE BELIEVERS (for lack of a better term) are convinced that every English word in the HOLY BIBLE A.V. or KJV (except for maybe the OXFORD errors) are completely inspired and are without error and even the English is an improvement over the Greek or Hebrew words, etc.
Now I know this can create a real hornet's nest of discussion but I'm trying to focus first on who this "God of forces" is. Cans't thou tell? STUDY and try it out in the COMMENTS below:
I admit I might look at some commentaries and so forth in my weakness but I do understand that other men do labor in the word and doctrine. These matters are important and we are supposed to continue in the word and doctrine and be able to edify and also admonish one another. So here we go...:-)....
UPDATE: In my search now it looks like the "God of forces" is considered to be Satan or Lucifer according to this teaching by Pastor Charles Lawson. For those of us who believe the bible and are KJV ONLY BIBLE BELIEVERS I hope you can see how I would consider the capital "G" God to be the real living and true God especially since the word "and" follows in that verse in DANIEL 11.38. So I'm not certain what is going on here. Is this a PRIVATE INTERPRETATION? Or is it something that only pastors who are called to the ministry have their own revelation from God about? I wish someone could explain this one:
We are descending rapidly into the downside here in the U.S.A. and I'm not sure if it is going to be reversible. Maybe it's just best to let it go? It really may be the only choice after all. Talk radio and those of us who care cannot really do much to change things because of the way society is set up. I'm content to survive in this dying nation:
It might be an artificial financial economy but as long as it works what difference does it make? What difference does it make? That sounds like something Hillary Clinton would say. And remember WALL STREET loves Hillary Clinton:
There's just no stopping this booming market and improving U.S. ECONOMY:
What are these banks preparing for? A NUCLEAR FINANCIAL EVENT?
The mental health industry and big pharmaceutical companies want to keep us doped up on their APPROVED DRUGS:
Very many children today are taking drugs and they are harming themselves through the help of the mental health industry that has free course to prescribe dope to those who are diagnosed with nothing more than psychiatric theories. The Psychiatric M.D.'s are able to prescribe medication and now more than ever in our history is our nation drugged up and controlled by their substances:
Lately we have been hearing much about how POLICE protect and serve us all and keep us safe. They are reminding us that they go to work every day and risk their lives for us:
GOLD breakout above $1,921 and $2,134 is being watched by technical analysts along with $49 SILVER over the next few weeks:
All manner of warnings are out against the Janet Yellen economic system as she leads the Federal Reserve to control the monetary policy here in the U.S.A. Here's the bottom line for gold and silver:
This conspiracy theory that First Lady Michelle Obama is a man is ridiculous already. This guy loves to do this and he keeps it up to the point where it stinks to hear of it. Listen to his voice and how he loves to do this. He should visit the White House and find out for himself:
So is President Obama a Muslim? And is First Lady Michelle Obama a transvestite? If the president and first lady are of the LGBTQIA CULTURE then you cannot discriminate against them. What do you think?
The END GAME is here and the FEDERAL RESERVE doesn't know what to do. David Morgan reports that Dr. Michael V. Berry who is Director of Policy Studies at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago said that the FED doesn't know what to do anymore:
"The fiat system is beyond repair at this point."
--David Morgan, The Silver Guru
"...There is a day of reckoning and I think it's coming soon than later...I'm pretty close to Dr. Michael Berry and have been for years and he and I have a good heart to heart now and then and he speaks at the FED meetings occasionally....and he basically has told me face to face that they don't know what they're doing..."
---David Morgan, The Silver Guru
In this report Economist David Morgan who recently started a new streaming royalty company is a promoter of sound money and goes into great detail on some of the latest economic concerns and some chilling news from a Chicago Federal Reserve official:
This is scary folks. We are at a position now where The Federal Reserve doesn't know what to do but they keep Janet Yellen speaking the so-called "FED SPEAK" to the nation and making her usual repetitive great swelling words of vanity about the FED DUAL MANDATE and all the other nonsense attached with it. So it's probably best to get in on the MORGAN REPORT and get on the FREE LIST at least and learn more: So Michael Berry of the Chicago FED says they don't know what they're doing. This is extremely troubling and NOT GOOD TO HEAR:
Much of this video is above my understand but if anyone can figure it out please leave a COMMENT BELOW:
Sean Turnbull continues to find various economic warnings and exhortations:
SMART MONEY is buying GOLD and SILVER now as WORLDWIDE FINANCIAL SOLVENCY begins to show signs of DISASTER. CALAMITIES are expected this week and various prophecies are being fulfilled. All is pointing toward wars, martial law, social unrest, and some very disturbing events that are going to lead to mass chaos and economic collapse. The situation is just unsustainable anymore and it cannot go on as such. Or can it?
Amerigeddon Movie, produced by Gary Heavin and survival under MARTIAL LAW...more...
Dockidds reveals George Soros and Barack Hussein Obama the Antichrist....
The Donald Trump controversy...
Learn what we're dealing with here in these last days according to the scriptures the HOLY BIBLE King James Version...WARNINGS about Pope Francis I and the Jesuits and Muslims who are serving Allah and all manner of Satanic agendas rising worldwide...
ABC shows us what we are missing on television or is it HELLEVISION?
Leaked information from George Soros that the world is about to lift up President Barack Hussein Obama as the Antichrist or what is known as the man of sin the son of perdition:
The New World Order has lots of NEW THINGS they are implementing for the next generation. Lots of FLESH is on the menu and childhood is just a short time and thing of the past:
These younger girls according to this report are far more creative and want to be someone in life. They know what it takes and they make $20,000 in two months. They find wealthy boyfriends for these girls too:
Looks like CENTRAL BANKS have declared themselves IN THE HOLE at Jackson Hole over this report. There can be nothing good that comes out of this one. I would say GOLD and SILVER will go up at least 300% here soon.
I can't wait to hear the professionals discuss this breaking report
Montana may be the place to live since they are not as gun-phobic as the rest of America is becoming in regards to the right to keep and bear arms. And no it's not just because of Grizzly bears.
Also in this report shocking news and review on what is going on in Germany along with how our government officials behave at Bohemian Grove and are loaded with pedophiles who prey on young boys and participate in other sexual perversions. This report also goes various other evil reports as the evil men and seducers across our nation and the world wax worse and worse:
He sure knows how to spend those tithes and offerings:
OK what's coming?
martial law is coming
2016 ELECTION suspension
Jesus Christ is coming
2/3 of all humans will die horrific deaths
NEW VIDEO: George Soros declares world's leaders are in agreement that Barack Hussein Obama is the only person who can rule the entire world to fix the world's problems as a leader and bring the world into a peace...
Peaceful Pete Santilli tried to negotiate with the FBI but was ultimately taken into custody. We thought by now he would have been on vacation in Costa Rica with Deb this entire time and still are not certain about his whereabouts but we will be monitoring the situation:
All is well with Mormon Saint Peter Santilli....Is he still detained?
People are going to learn now that this NEW WORLD ECONOMY of UNLIMITED DEBT and FISCAL FLOWS has made many MILLIONAIRES into BILLIONAIRES. Well we now have TRILLIONAIRES. You can't stop this MEGA BULL MARKET and the MMT TRADERS:
Can you believe they would even keep fracking and playing with this region? There's already many scientists who are discussing this YELLOWSTONE SUPER VOLCANO THREAT and yet the fracking goes on in the vicinity. It's like throwing glowing matches into a barrel of gasoline. Or is it like drilling a hole into a propane tank? Either way this is dangerous:
If you are an African American then go back to Africa
If you're a Black American then I doubt 93% of you are stupid:
You're either an American or your not. What is it going to be? I don't care what color your skin is. This racial nonsense is pushed into our discussions daily and it is being steered to destroy America just in time for a very critical election:
To read, speak and understand English is no longer necessary:
If you walk on the streets of New York today you really don't hear much English anymore. This is happening across the nation in many other urban areas too:
We the People of the United States of America are a people that are now going to be phased out as the enemies of America take over and allow this CULTURE OF CHAOS to just thrive any way they please:
The banking system is up to something with GOLD and SILVER
Everything settles through the world in U.S. DOLLARS and there are nations right now that are coordinating financial strategies (to put it kindly) against the Beast government tied in many ways with creating loads of monetary mischief with the Central Banking cartel. The pressure between various larger countries are beginning to build and the hatred against the West and especially the U.S.A. is rising.
I think it's fair to say that we are about to see some nations rise up against nations and things are going to start to explode. The bubbles are reaching their breaking point with all the geopolitical and worldwide economic conflict and how the rich men have oppressed the hire of the laborers worldwide:
There are quite a few new reports and interviews that are up today and it would do well to take heed to what is being discussed here. If you have any COMMENTS or SUGGESTIONS and OPINIONS on these matters please post below while there's still the freedom to do so. Here at the News UNIT I welcome your opinion to which you are entitled:
*****The Enemies of America are TERRIFIED of the TRUTH coming out in the news*****
Hillary Clinton is terrified of CONSPIRACY FACTS
Will there be another LIST OF DEAD BODIES SOON?
Hillary Clinton is upset at Ales Jones and INFOWARS for revealing the truth in the news about 9-11 and other fake scripted hoaxes and false-flag shootings across America:
Watch now as ALTERNATIVE MEDIA will be under attack by the enemies of America as they try to convince people to believe their lies and their fair speeches filled with lies and deceit. FREE SPEECH and FREE PRESS will have real trouble in 2017 if Hillary Clinton takes the White House. We the People across America better wake up!
Analysts are diligently watching THREATENING ECONOMIC CONDITIONS:
Admittedly it is increasingly difficult to make sense out of nonsense in the economy today and the way these markets behave with what I call reinvented economics is just making things worse. There are some folks out there still that are trying their best to get the truth out about these real and present dangers in the markets and we will be monitoring the trends with them here at The News UNIT:
We have to keep a close watch on this election and anyone that has a flippant attitude about the direction this country will go thereafter is a complete fool. Also these threatening financial conditions are real and the spiritual state of America is declining into destruction and perdition of ungodly men:
TRADESNOOP continues to point out dangerous market trends and other observations:
There is a new wave of GOLD and SILVER awareness and interest rising again:
Bo Polny presents some very stunning scriptural observations on the current economy along with gold and silver trends:
Janet Yellen and the usual ridiculous FED-SPEAK:
We have mainstream media that calls any announcement today that comes from the Federal Reserve "FED-SPEAK." That is so ridiculous but it is becoming reality as HFT ALGORITHMS actually read the news and trading is set off electronically to over modulate an already chaotic market. Will natural market forces ever return? Time will tell:
There is growing evidence of a STOCK MARKET COLLAPSE along with a GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS:
More GUN CONTROL Chaos and Unconstitutional Laws and Ordinances:
The gun phobia across America is ridiculous and is continually propagated by many fearful liberals and their mental disorders. Liberals don't even know how to control and handle guns but they want to control the rest of We the People who really never even bother them in the first place. But the battle is on across America to redefine guns and create all manner of complicated confusion leading to more unconstitutional laws, restrictions, and infringements contrary to the SECOND AMENDMENT of the Bill of Rights:
INFOWARS is always monitoring the latest fetishes for gun control advocates as they attack AK-47's, AR-15's, and various ammunition magazines or clips. They are all trying to figure out what a semi-automatic compared to an automatic rifle is and whether it looks too scary, military, or tactical in its appearance. I think Michael Savage is right when he says liberalism is a mental disorder. They should be diagnosed and treated with psychotropic drugs:
Actually it's probably Chief Edward Flynn that promotes this nonsense:
Many police officers I know have no issue with people that carry guns however the liberals with their usual mental disorders are gun phobic maniacs who want to disarm We the People in any way they can imagine. Soon America is going to be faced with a real problem as Hillary Clinton heads for the White House and changes the times and laws across America. Perhaps the entire movement of patriots and truthers along with the Trump movement is actually in league with Hillary here and turning our country into a culture of chaos. I certainly hope not!
So carry a flashlight and feel safe. These are probably good flashlights but in reality you want to have both a flashlight and a good gun so you can see what you might have to shoot at better.
But for those of you who cannot control your guns and have this fear of guns and ammunition this might be for you and make you feel better:
Watch now as the trail of dead bodies could start rising...
Are the reporters at INFOWARS safe? Please pray for them...
Alex Jones and the INFOWARS news team are under attack for exposing various reports on their alternative news program. It appears that Roger Stone has stepped in who has a history of working closely with Donald Trump and a major and thorough investigative journalism study is being conducted by the INFOWARS NEWS TEAM to expose various Clinton cover-ups:
THERE WAS THE USUAL VIOLENT CHOPPY TRADING FOR A BRIEF MOMENT as Janet Yellen made her announcement BUT NO VOLATILITY. If you listen to CNBC, Bloomberg, and other financial coverage of this the explanations of this market condition and Fed-speak is still being analyzed by all the professional pundits with still some elements of uncertainty. Some say that the truth of underlying market conditions is really not being properly addressed and still others are confident that the FED has the tools necessary to maintain economic and financial progress with their dual mandate of maximum employment and price stability.
From the looks of WALL STREET now it looks like the journey to new record highs continues: The markets will now roar higher and higher as the FEDERAL RESERVE has prevailed against all of this negativity from the market-collapse gainsayers. This is incredible news and will result in some real progress for America as Donald Trump prepares to take the White House:
The ELITE and the GLOBALISTS are in retreat now...
It may be that THE LIBERTY MOVEMENT along with the power of God is prevailing against the evil rising up in the world and across the U.S.A. Through the impressive efforts and earnest prayers of many of us who are fighting against tyranny whether it be as INFOWARRIORS and ALTERNATIVE NEWS OUTLETS or individual applications on the internet and You Tube it looks like the ELITE ARE IN RETREAT. The ELITE will still try to retaliate but We the People appear to be gaining some ground.
As a result we are seeing the potential for a strengthening economy and a new refreshing President Donald Trump who will make America great again and not allow the Judaeo Christian values of the U.S. CONSTITUTION, BILL OF RIGHTS, and American Christian Heritage to be undermined and destroyed by these enemies of America.
There's hope for the people who want hope:
We may not need any GOLD and SILVER anymore either! :-)
In fact at the time of this upload GOLD and SILVER have turned down sharply indicating that fear trade is subsiding now:
This is HUGE NEWS. What people don't realize even if there's much ENTERTAINMENT to wade through is that this will have a dire consequences if Hillary Clinton is elected as President of the United States. She will no doubt come after FREE SPEECH and FREE PRESS in ways never before imagined. We have no choice now but to join forces with the LIBERTY MOVEMENT because all of our FREEDOMS and LIBERTIES are at stake:
Alex Jones is probably in danger here and all the rest of his news team at INFOWARS. You better keep them in your prayers and buy more supplies to prepare for the calamities ahead with not only this election but the aftermath that's coming upon our nation.
Unless Donald Trump gets in here we are doomed to destruction:
Tehran has made a very chilling announcement after a recent conflict between a U.S. NAVY and Iranian ships in the Strait of Hormuz. If Donald Trump was president right now I wonder if he would tolerate their threats? The Obama administration is very obedient to Islam and even our U.S. NAVY was intercepted and was very subservient to them upon their capture in a recent episode. I don't think we will go to war with Iran. We will just send them more ransom money at their request maybe to the tune of a few more HUNDRED BILLION DOLLARS or so.
There are all sorts of financial gymnastics going on in the markets today such as SELLING OUT OF THE MONEY CALLS to hedge long positions in silver. We are also learning that there is a MAJOR SUPPLY GLUT of SILVER at various dealers and distributors in the U.S.A. and reports are suggesting that many of these firms are involved in shorting the market to hedge their inventory. So why all the sudden interest in SILVER again? I'm seeing more and more SILVER videos and this recent guy Bo Polny is predicting $100 SILVER this 2016 calendar year. We are expecting some further updates on this today and will be looking into additional information and details. STAY TUNED:
Miami (MIA) and For Lauderdale (FLL) Airports affected
Was this a mini-EMP nuke or HACK ATTACK?
And they were supposed to be UNINTERRUPTIBLE SYSTEMS:
"Everybody on this frequency use extreme caution we've lost all communications we've lost all radar we cannot see you..."
We have a situation now where our NATIONAL AIR TRAFFIC SYSTEM is showing signs of weakness which could lead to some real calamities. The FAA is investigating this major outage which is extremely scary. The quality and security of the current RADAR and COMMUNICATION systems in air traffic are now in question.
The FAA is investigating why BACKUP SYSTEMS did not work during this outage:
Where have I been? I've been avoiding Gerald Celente on The News UNIT. Sorry folks. We need some accurate forecast depictions now into the future. And there's only one TRENDS FORECASTER that is able to do that with uncanny accuracy:
If SILVER goes to $100 then GOLD could easily hit $6,000 by Christmas: The coming calamities will be of BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS. Expect chaos to begin soon...
Oh look the fight against the establishment is gaining victory. No wonder Hillary Clinton and the enemies of America and freedom are so worried. Now Nigel Farage teams up with the Trump movement. This is going to be a game changer now as people are fed up with the big banks and crooked politicians:
A source of mine in time past from the Pentagon used to tell me how her and Bill used to come over to the Pentagon helipad and control tower and have arguments during the Monica debacle. Hillary used to threaten Bill and yell at him and these Army personnel would hear her threats. They would have a shouting match at the base of the control tower there and then he would come up to the tower to hang out and watch women with a few of the controllers there and talk shit with the Army boys. They couldn't talk to him however and had to just sit there and say, "Yes sir!" Unfortunately these guys were too young to pay attention to what her threats were in regards to politics at that time. They only thought it was funny to hear the president get in verbal fights with his wife and then come up to the tower to talk shit about the women who were out jogging down the GW Parkway.
Oh and by the way: I used to work at Washington National Airport and I remember how things used to be prior to 9-11. It was actually better back then and this government has changed for the worse now. I don't know what we have now but we have a load of criminals that get away with it. I just hope some of these conspiracy theories don't come to pass but they probably will eventually:
So the Clintons are powerful people and have many powerful people behind them. Trump may be in league with her and this is all a show to entertain all of us dumb American sheep on the receiving end of all their shit. It's only going to get worse but I'm trusting Christ through it all even though we have more of them that believe not and even many who masquerade as Christians:
Hillary Clinton lambasts Alex Jones and Donald Trump over the 9-11 conspiracy, the Oklahoma City bombing and also Sandy Hook Elementary School. Eventually all these cover ups will be revealed and God will judge the secrets of men:
Wouldn't it be something to learn later on that Bill and Hillary Clinton, the whole Trump family, Alex Jones, and others are all friends behind the scenes having dinner together in elite privacy while they create all this gossip and entertainment?
Gabor Zolna here thinks this is all cute. He likes to hurl insults at President Obama's wife and call her a man named Michael with a penis. We certainly have a load of cruel and unusual behavior all across America today:
Alex Jones is getting excited now as he gains popularity in the NEWS and ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY. It's not ALTERNATIVE NEWS folks! This is entirely ENTERTAINMENT! News is gone. The News UNIT tried to find the truth in the news but I cannot do it because there is none and I find everything to be skewed. So Alex Jones is going places and he will excel for filthy lucre's sake. Hes going places in the Evangelical Christian arena also with the big name preachers making motion pictures and all manner of preachers and ministers and motion picture producers like Steve Quayle and many many others involved in this large so-called LIBERTY MOVEMENT. They promise people LIBERTY but they themselves are servants of corruption. Beware!
For when they speak great swelling words of vanity, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through much wantonness, those that were clean escaped from them who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of
corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in
bondage. --II PETER 2.18-19
I like to listen to Pastor Lawson preach most of the time however I can't stand Baptist heritage and tradition anymore. I've been around it enough to get entirely sick of it and much of it doesn't even line up with the truth of the scriptures and is far from rightly dividing the word of truth. Pastor Lawson is one of the few men left that is a good speaker and to a degree he's also entertaining now as he talks about various current events and conspiracies. This is what people want now instead of a good solid expository presentation of the word of God. The word of God is lacking today in preaching and teaching. They usually just jump around with a few verses and the rest is an entertainment session:
Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye. --MARK 7.13
Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in
the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing
the words of the LORD: --AMOS 8.11
Them that walk after the flesh...and despise government:
But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities. -- II PETER 2.10
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: --II THESSALONIANS 2.11
All over YOU TUBE and various INTERNET PLATFORMS, SOCIAL MEDIA, etc. is loads of deception and what is fueling this and making it all OK is it makes lots of money on advertising for Google which is YOU TUBE.
The art of deception through conspiracy and various forms of entertainment is huge and many of those involved are professional people who are involved in the government, Hollywood, and various other professional capacities to make the deception seem so truthful and honest. Many times those who promote these deceptions say that they have been enlightened or they have awakened to what is going on with government, the world, the economy and other topics all the while while they are constructing falsehood and many end up believing the lie.
Such is a promise of the holy scriptures which promises that God shall send strong delusion to those who believed not the truth to actually believe a lie and be damned. And so it is that many are deluded today by clever and catchy productions of video content, talk shows, commentary, reports, podcasts, interviews, and even motion pictures and news broadcasts called alternative news and so forth. The producers of this content are getting better at what they do while they promulgate these deceptions and many on the receiving end of these reports are actually believing it.
Here is one small example of this though it goes much farther and covers a wide range of categories including but not limited to science, economics, news, religion, politics, social issues, current events, and conspiracy theories. The example I'm going to show you here is CHEMTRAILS. Have you heard of the CHEMTRAIL CONSPIRACY? Take a look at this and how well done and in a professional manner this deception is presented. And more people are falling for this mischief and believing it.
The amount of CON ME and CON WOMEN across America and the world has grown and now will continue to grow exponentially. This is huge and I feel that I fall short here of explaining this damnation to its fullest extent and the amount of people involved in this is tremendous and the ties they have with government, Hollywood, religion, and other professional sectors is feeding this frenzy and expanding it as an industry unlike any other in the history of the world.
Take a look at how well done this CHEMTRAIL DECEPTION is done and how it also promotes Gaia the Mother Earth goddess:
Where we are at now is irreversible and things are going to get worse. The art of deception has gone to a level now where it is so enhanced by technology that to stop it is virtually impossible. As a believer on God and our Saviour Jesus Christ I understand that this is happening to fulfill the scriptures. To that I say even so, come Lord Jesus.
Just a few examples here of various STRONG DELUSIONS and DECEPTION:
Is there any truth left in the news of this present evil world?
There is in fact the truth. Learn who and what it is:
The truth is Jesus Christ is God manifest in the flesh:
This of course doesn't make the headlines:
And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his
glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace
and truth. --JOHN 1.14
For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. --JOHN 1.17
These are just a few examples above and the list is enormous now. There's no way I can put everything up here but most of what is going on today is a complete lie and full of lies and deceit. May God send his strong delusion according to his word as we see the day of Christ approaching. Even so, come Lord Jesus.
I said in my haste, All men are liars. --PSALM 116.11