This is my personal arrangement to provide a useful format for discussing and disseminating breaking news and information. Opinions posted here are not necessarily my own. If you are offended by wide open discussions of news, life, politics and religious things, and God's word, kindly get out of here NOW. At times sources quoted here are suspect at best. I try to make sure they are correct, but I do err at times. Comments by readers are theirs alone, I may or may not approve of their opinions.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Get your Hollywood rush on either the television, computer, or in the movie theater and then get used to living in the ever increasing police state developing here in the sweet land of liberty: Some of you don't think this is a police state and that's probably because you are getting used to walking around with your head down like a good Soviet and your brains have been wiped out by a life of entertainment and other forms of propaganda:
Many Americans are also being brainwashed to try and be a YOU TUBE star as the majority of our population seeks to make a name for themselves and become nothing more than a society of actors and actresses through role playing and other pathetic fantasies.