Monday, August 20, 2012

Gold, Silver, Guns and a little about George Soros

The rich seem to be interested in GOLD and SILVER again and there are a load of opinions to which even I am entitled while freedom of speech remains:

Apparently George Soros is loading up on GOLD and guns.  Looks like Jim Rogers is not selling his GOLD and SILVER and is actually saying SILVER is the big investment now.  Marc Faber is still calling for a 10% market crash.  QE3 is being avoided.  Then you have the "truthers" which are actually running out of things to say since their attempted Sprott Brothers' Pump and Dump of 2011.  

The News UNIT is watching this all but I'm at a loss as to where this market is actually going.  AAPL hits a record high market cap well above $600 BILLION and it looks like the world might be eventually run by GOOG, AAPL, and FB.  Here's some more commentaries to sift through:

Even the dogs are paying attention to what's going on.  I think the dogs are paying better attention than most of the people actually.  Notice how very serious they pay attention to Jim Sinclair:
I think the dogs if they could talk would have something to say here.  Notice how they are just captivated by what's going on.  Are they watching the GOLD CHART climb above $1640 now?  I'm curious. Maybe they are watching George Soros on the beach with his concubine and wondering how paper money (which is worthless) can actually buy a woman like that?  Actually she's probably checking out the dogs as dogs really are a chick magnets.

Look at this!  Gold is money again and the FDIC preparing the banks for financial solvency.  Very interesting indeed! 

One more jab concerning Jim Sinclair. :-)  I'm still watching that Jim Sinclair REFERENCE DATUM of $1,640 with great interest.  It doesn't want to go above that now does it?  Good luck Jim.  Maybe we should buy some TRX?  
  Live 24 hours gold chart [Kitco Inc.]
