Friday, August 17, 2012

Mouthy Marine Hoss USMC Runs His Mouth

Hoss USMC says he's not afraid of the FBI, etc. and lets the FBI knows there are many like him left to take down.  

Here's something I suspected about this guy long ago.  He'd make a good cop actually like many of them who are all revved up when they come back from their killing patrols and run around ready to take on American citizens.  Hoss USMC seems to wanted to start a new American Revolution.  What a lunatic!

And then we have this guy "Dsarti1" who makes the claim that he was having a heart attack and he thought that was the closest he came to thinking about killing himself.  Something not matching too well there I perceive.  

CONCLUSION:  We have some real loonies on YOU TUBE these days: 

Not only do we have come POLICE that are out of control today we also have American citizens that need to be monitored closely also:


This kind of stuff reminds me of this:

Those of you who run your mouth like this are not only a concern for Homeland Security, The FBI, and so forth; but are also a concern for my own safety too.  I consider them to be what is known as a "loose cannon".  Stay tuned to see how his threat to the FBI goes after a time.  This is not a "well regulated militia" according to the U.S. Constitution.  This is a free will over the edge nut bag using his Marine prowess to threaten and intimidate people while misunderstanding the U.S. Constitution.  Eat crow! 

I'd rather spend the afternoon with Barack Obama and Janet Napolitano at the rifle range then come close to these brute beasts that like to grandstand about how tough they are as they wave their guns and bust down doors like some tough guy.
