All this has to do with the recent Chick-fil-A taking a stand on what marriage really is and being able to discern between the righteous and the wicked along with male and female. Now we are being told by a bunch of unrighteous sodomites that we are entitled to our 1st Amendment rights BUT we should see that live normal lives. What does that mean? It simply means that they want to force us into submission to their perversion. Try me! :-)
Better yet try God who if you want to scream "HATE CRIMES" let me remind you that GOD HATES! In fact he hates some things with his perfect hatred and tells those that love him to hate evil. If you don't like that then make your own god which you will do and probably already have and serve the god of this world. You perverts are about to get cast down mightily!
Sodomites and the word "BUT"
Notice sodomites say they are for your rights....BUT...