Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Great Bank Panic Coming Soon

This is copied and pasted from a friend of mine.  Visit his blog please at

Also pay attention to what I said about July 2012: 
READ THIS ARTICLE, and then come back here, and I will tell you what is next. You need to read the article in order to understand my predictions.




Because if an investor cannot find a safe haven, he must convert his paper assets to something real. Sending one's investment to a banana republic is suicide, and if the world's big boy banking and investment clubs are crashing, there is nowhere to send your wealth. The only thing left is to convert all of one's investments to cash and bury it in the back yard, or the equivalent thereof.

"BUY GOLD" say the pundits. Ah, yes, and how will you spend lumps of gold in the market place?

How will you buy a loaf of bread with a lump of gold worth maybe $15,000 dollars and get change? No store will want to do that for security reasons.

"Ah, I get it, real estate, right?"

Again, how will you buy a loaf of bread with a bucket of dirt you own and have a deed for?

So, in order to live, even the very rich will decide to convert at least a percentage of their paper wealth into cash. Worthless as it may be, real hard cash spends and will buy a hamburger. That is where we are headed.

A BANK RUN, first in Europe, and then in as little as 30 minutes, a bank run in the USA and much of the world. The cash on hand in the banks of the world is minuscule compared to all the investment paper, which is nothing but a promise.

So, THINK Bunkie-- maybe you should get yours NOW, at least most of it. 

If you procrastinate, the cash will be gone, a bank holiday will be declared, and you will have nothing. IT HAPPENED BEFORE IN THE 1920s THROUGH THE 1930s. It all started when investors ran out of options and panicked. 

If you think I am making this up out of my weird imagination, go to:

June 1, today, at VALUE WALK. There IS a fear of a bank run, and it is clear also that the EU cannot get its act together.

There is NOTHING IN PLACE to back the banks in the EU if the have bank runs. The USA has the FDIC, and as beggarly as it may be, it give the impression that the USA has something back yonder to keep banks solvent. These two article make it very clear that the EU stupidly never put such a device in place. And now, the EU must have talks among the nations involved, and then pass legislation in the EU Parliament to make the thing lawful. THEY ARE OUT OF TIME. It will never happen.

Did you notice that I had to go all the way to India for the last analysis? I have the impression that the big news sources are terrified and unwilling to talk plain economic language to us flat landers down here.

Regarding the bank runs of the 1930s, Europe went first, and the USA followed soon thereafter. The only difference today is the technology. The news of bank runs in Europe will only take a couple of minutes to hit Twitter and Drudge.

Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.

Ecclesiastes 9:4 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dea