WARNING: St. Louis, Missouri Police prepare for OCTOBER 2012 air and ground support in conjunction with the military and gun confiscation...St. Louis, Missouri, USA,....or are they?...
It is being reported here by Sean G. Turnbull on The SGT REPORT that this call took place below on INFOWARS. Whether this is for real or whether this is the usual conspiracy genre remains to be determined:
A police officer named Jim from St. Louis calls Alex Jones concerning what is to occur during OCTOBER 2012 which will require air and ground support from the military in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Ever notice the Ft. Meade tanks called "security vehicles" in that area recently? This could be a real call folks! This sounds awful real:
SGTbull07 "Sean" goes on to mention WARNING 2 and WARNING 3 which both mean absolutely nothing to me since they are the usual broken record to buy gold, silver, and shares and prepare for an economic collapse. You can read it yourself:
If these men are reporting misinformation and inciting chaos with a conspiracy rush then I have no respect for any of their information.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Right now what happens to gold and silver and the Dow Jones Industrial Average doesn't mean a hill of beans. In fact I'm going to get my mind off of it and onto something else. If the above is true and this report is credible then there is trouble coming like we've never imagined. I almost think that by the looks of some of these Washington officials that they might even be somewhat terrified themselves.
If you are not aware of the military tank drivers education program going on in the St. Louis, Missouri area you can click here to find out:
Will it be an army of sodomites to police Amerika?
REMEMBER: The U.S. Army and much of our military is now full of SODOMITES. http://thenewsunit.blogspot.com/2012/06/american-lgbt-proud-reprobates.html And this is all approved by Obama, the Secretary of Defense, and other "leaders" of this Obama-nation as they recognize the GLBT activity and glorify them in their vile affections. They will not only rape women but they will rape men too. If you think you're tough then have a look at some of the queers sometime who are pumping iron and keeping in shape for their attack. You''ll get a bit more than two Raccoon eyes and your pride hurt a bit if this is unleashed on American soil!
If indeed the military and the police turn on U.S. citizens soon then we would have to ask whether they remember their oath to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution: