Monday, June 25, 2012

NIA pump and dump tricks and trades

I wonder if the Day Trade Show is related to the NIA with the $99.99 monthly subscription service?

Here's a guy that follows the NIA rather close in day trading: 
I woudn't rely on The Day Trade Show with Don Harrold because the number 1 question he gets from his subscribers is "What songs does he listen to?" You don't believe me watch for yourself:

"The number one question I get all the time is 'Don what kind of stuff do you listen to?  What is rockin' your I diggity..?'"
---Don Harrold, "The Day Trade Show"

This guy is a real gem as he bashes BrotherJohnF.  And that's the number one question he gets from his viewers or subscribers?  No wonder he doesn't know what he's talking about and doesn't discuss the market with any degree of knowledge:

I do remember Bob Chapman said he did not like the NIA.  He had something to say about it one time and it seems it was in great detail and somewhat related to KITCO if I remember right.  I want to find where he actually said so but I cannot at this point so I'm only mentioning this from my own memory.  But I do remember him saying so and I regret noting what show it was on.  It was likely because at that time they had more subscribers to their stock scam than he did.

But Bob Chapman seems to have been incorrect in his promotion of gold, silver, and shares as you can see here:

Methinks these subjects were actually all in this scam together and have other people believing on them as they drew them into their advice one way or another.  They all fit the profile actually with their little slogans of "money, truth, freedom" or whatever cliche they have:

They do have some pretty banners though and make themselves look like they are somewhat important.  Perhaps they will become legends in their own mind but it looks like the fiat currency is prevailing rather nicely at the moment.  Doesn't it? 
