Thursday, June 28, 2012

I hope SHTF here in America

Beans, Bullets and Band-aids:

The News UNIT is looking forward to this "Zombie Apocalypse" SHTF scenario being talked about by all these alleged "preppers".  Most preppers don't know their ass from a hole in the ground regardless how many degrees they have or how much they think their prior military training makes them such an expert.  In fact in a real SHTF scenario they won't know what to do and if faced with the situation that will come upon this nation you WILL BE SUBJECT to government control whether you like it or not.  The preppers are just another group of "truther" and "patriots" who are having conventions now and speaking seminars so everyone can go to Lafayette, Indiana or wherever else they are having a "convention" and hear how smart they are and how to shop and Wal Mart, Sams Club or Costco for your supplies.  They also act like they know about firearms so much as I've watched one particular "prepper" wave his guns around like a piece of toast and if he did that around me he wouldn't be around me or my family for very long.  

So here's my take on what's going to happen to 99.99% (four nines pure) or these preppers:  They are going to get their asses kicked in the upcoming crisis for they are NOT AS READY AS THEY THINK THEY ARE.   There are a few people around with some special forces training and just plain common sense (if there's any left) that are actually better prepared than the "preppers".  

For the record I'm not a "prepper" but you can call me what you want and I've been called many things but don't really care.  I know in whom I have believed and I'm trusting Jesus Christ who is my God and Saviour and will do just fine as I'm kept by the power of God.  If you don't have the power of God then you just don't.  Too bad for you.

In the meantime you can chase your favorite "prepper" around to Knoxville, Tennessee, Lafayette, Indiana or wherever and send them money or buy their book or whatever else and enjoy your hobby.  They are going to die like men in the end just the same and cannot escape from the wrath to come.
