Sunday, February 7, 2016

Franklin Graham speaks to Malheur Militia as God and Christ stand with them

*****God is now in charge of the Oregon stand off*****

Will the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT be able to fight against God?

Armed with a Pocket Constitution and the Book of Mormon, who's able to stand against you?

The Oregon stand off continues as God and Christ stand with the Mormons:

Perhaps prayer is being made without ceasing for the Apostle Pete Santilli?

If God and Christ are standing with the people what can I possibly say against this? Franklin Graham was also called upon for prayer here at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge of Harney County Oregon.  

Perhaps the LORD is rising up with the troops there and the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom will not only start a new revolution to take back the Republic but we are also going to see a very large and holy convocation of Christians for Constitutional Freedom besides:   

May God bless and protect Pete Santilli and perhaps release him from prison soon so we can hear his words of wisdom and continue to fight the fight for freedom together. We hope also the Sharp family singers can start a church there on the refuge. Perhaps Pete Santilli will soon be the ordained minister there?

Notice the Rutherford Institute is going to stand for Pete Santilli.  We need Pete Santilli back on the air fighting for freedom:

So now we have Franklin Graham, The Rutherford Institute, and Sheriff Mack coming to the rescue here in Harney County.  Just wait until Glenn Beck shows up on the scene!
