Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Obama reveals the importance of "other nations" and "foreign observers" regarding the next election

People are counting on America to do what's right

Is it about We the People or the INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY?

Who are these people counting on America?


I think foreign observers are trouble by some of the rhetoric that's been taking place in these Republican primaries and Republican debates..."
--President Barack Hussein Obama

"The other countries around the world they kind of count on the United States being on the side of science, and reason, and common sense..."
---President Barack Hussein Obama

"i continue to believe that Mr. Trump will not be president."
--President Barack Hussein Obama

To be honest with you I don't know who is really telling the truth.  But I'm going with Trump because I perceive he has a change of heart for America and wants to do what's right for We the People.  The affairs of this world are filled with loads of deception and this campaign is full of envy and strife resulting in contusion and every evil work: