Thursday, February 18, 2016

The end times and various events including wars and rumors of wars are upon us

It is the last time folks!  And indeed it is:

Why are all these things happening now?

ANSWER:  The scripture must needs be fulfilled

As we watch the kings of the earth and the rulers take their counsel together against the LORD and against his anointed and all these things come to pass remember those who are in Christ Jesus are safe and are kept by the power of God ready to be reveled in the last time: 

There's so much going on at the moment and various folks are making various observations.   Just remember folks that are in Christ let's take on the whole armour of God and withstand this evil day.  We have the promise of everlasting life and regardless of what happens we can rejoice as we see the day approaching.  Even so, come Lord Jesus: 

If you have not received the righteousness of God by faith believing on the Lord Jesus Christ then it's time to believe the truth: 

Peiro San Giorgio and Sheikh Imran Hosein

Prepare for Islamic and Interfaith dialogue on the increase.  Keep an eye on these TWO WITNESSES who have a form of godliness or religion spreading their great swelling words of vanity:

Who are these two witnesses?  
Peiro San Giorgio and Sheikh Imran Hosein:

Ever consider what is coming to America soon with various brute beasts of Islamic Jihad and other lewd fellows of the baser sort?  Or have ye not considered what is going on in the world today?

LINK TO LEARN about the tender mercies of Islam and Allah the divine and merciful:

Wow Pope Francis I the infallible Vicar of Christ couldn't call down heaven?

The PATRIOT, TRUTHER, LIBERTY, and MILITIA CULT of the U.S.A. is hard at work creating further chaos and destruction:

MEANWHILE here in the U.S.A. the U.S. CONSTITUTION and the SECOND AMENDMENT is at risk now because of various radical extremist patriot and truther activists. How about that Pete Santilli!  Was he an FBI INFORMANT OR NOT?  Oh yea I almost forgot--he's a Mormon now:

Shawna Cox files $666 BILLION lawsuit against the FEDERAL DEVILS?  OK! :-)

The Pete Santilli CULT is still at large.  Or is it the Mormon Militia?  
