Sunday, February 21, 2016

Remember Ruby Ridge? It was just a radical right wing conspiracy theory

Trust your government and keep your head down in your smart phone...

Here's what "conspiracy theorists" or what "radical right wing extremist domestic terrorists" look like.  Add to that any kind of fundamental Christian belief or adherence to the U.S. Constitution and any concerns for a once world government and you really have some complete wackos.  So keep your head down in your smart phone, trust your government, and everything will be just fine.  And of course "If you see something, say something."  

The story of Randy Weaver and his family in Idaho shows us all who these weirdos really are living off the grid, believing on Jesus Christ, studying the Holy Bible, having guns, and all the rest of the attributes of radical domestic terrorism here in the United States of America:

By the way if you're reading this have you ever observed and said that someone's religion is weird?  Good for you and congratulation on acceptance of Islamic Jihadists that of course are very peaceful with their teachings and practices.  We shall all do well now embracing the mixed multitude of culture and religion in the new global community:

Imagine we actually have crazy people like this at large in America today. The FBI is keeping an eye on and certainly IF YOU SEE SOMETHING SAY SOMETHING about it. We have some serious threats now of RADICAL RIGHT WING DOMESTIC EXTREMIST TERRORISM especially those who believe on The Lord Jesus Christ carry a King James HOLY BIBLE, have some guns and have any interest in adherence to the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  Beware of these people!

But there are questions also as to whether or not this story really happened?  Or was it a false flag or a staged event complete with crisis actors?  Were you there?  Did you see it?  Of course we can believe the truth in the news:
