Sunday, January 17, 2016

Trump has a great relationship with God and does many good things

Trump walks with God and is perfect in this generation

Trump may be God's ordained man for the U.S. President

Obama was the last man ordained of God according to Balaam's Ass.

Now who would argue with Trump?

And who would argue with Balaam's Ass Speaks? 

There are two men of God that I would like to mention here:  One is Steve Van Nattan a very tough Texan who abides as a prominent rancher in the Texas Hill Country.  And another is Donald Trump who gives his own testimony of God in the report below.  

The others that have a good report apart from the Lord Jesus Christ (who is God manifest in the flesh) is Enoch who walked with God along with Noah and also some others who had a good report included Job, Elijah, and various others (including a woman) of faith recorded in HEBREWS CHAPTER 11 known as "The Faith Chapter."

So as God voted for Obama we now wait and see whether God shall ordain Donald Trump to the office of U.S. President.  I'll be monitoring Balaam's Ass Speaks for additional wisdom and understanding on these matters since I have been consigned as a man of Satan:

Remember God voted for Obama: 

Also remember Balaam's Ass Speaks rebuked The News UNIT for blasphemy:

Hey you tough Texan!  Show me some scripture please!  You cannot.  Your tradition is more important than rightly dividing the word of truth.  Bring it on!
