Saturday, January 23, 2016

Bloomberg for U.S. President is being considered


And goodbye the right to keep and bear arms

Michael Bloomberg wants to take the guns!

The United States of America is already on course for being a dictatorship or some kind of chaotic big government rule rising up to overthrow freedom and liberty unless you are of the New World Culture of Chaos.  The new culture of chaos is busy right now to change times and laws.  Does this sound familiar?  It would only sound familiar to those of you who have a renewed mind in Christ Jesus.  Other than that--YOU LOSE!

The real threat is the ENEMIES OF AMERICA

The Radical Islam threat to America is nothing compared to the ENEMIES OF AMERICA who are rising up to be elected to the high places of government.  These enemies of America might as well not even take an oath of office.  They have no interest but that of seeking their own interest.  Times have changed for We the People.  And these are now beginning to be very perilous times.  It is amazing how these enemies of America are actually going to be elected.  Is there a real voting process or has America just gone absolutely mad?

Christians in Christ Jesus -- BE READY

American Christian preachers are now beginning to get nervous.  They know that our day as believers on the Lord Jesus Christ is coming to suffer for his name's sake.  I know what it's like to be rewarded evil for good.  Unless you're in Joes Osteen's church where everything is wonderful and God has a perfect plan for your life and your prosperity.  So take your pick in this age of deception.  Not only are evil men and seducers deceiving and being deceived but God shall also send them strong delusion to believe a lie.  

The time has come for damnation.  God is about to damn them that believe not as the scriptures are about to be fulfilled.  You disagree?  Go ahead at your own peril.  But don't every say that you weren't warned:


In regards to that OREGON RANCHER STANDOFF that is a very unusual event.  My observation on that situation is that it is very difficult to be certain what is really going on there.  I think it's an admixture of mostly Mormons who do not necessarily agree with one another but they have some kind of agenda to promote a peaceful protest and working together for their own interests.  They are only giving lip service to the U.S. CONSTITUTION and acting like some kind of patriots that are liberty and freedom loving.  I think it's completely phony for the most part and the players are even on the government payroll in many different ways and are all seeking their own profit via filthy lucre.  Is that too conspiratorial for you? Then learn about conspiracies in the Holy Bible.  Today the conspiracy is great in the land. And it is real and not a theory: 

STUDY "CONSPIRACY" at this link:

People are willingly going to be led away captive under this new manner of deception along with the strong delusion sent by God which will lead to a very certain and sure damnation.  The only way out is through belief on the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.  The time is coming and now is...

Kick some ISIS ass!  Oh sure :-)

Make America great again?  Sure--give it a try. :-)  Go kicks some ISIS ass and then get back on your own CL60 or G4 jet and even a B757.  The rest of us will really be the ones who have to tangle with ISIS and even the rest of the coming threats.  You're safe for now with your bodyguards and secret service.  I'm hoping you're really an American but I wonder:

Sarah Palin and Donald Trump are Christians right?  :-)  Donald Trump needs no forgiveness from God and I can tell that his fellow upper class American Evangelicals don't seem to be giving him the gospel of Christ.  Be not deceived--God is not mocked:

If you GREAT AND NOTABLE CHRISTIAN EVANGELICAL leaders are going to pray over Donald Trump in the Trump Tower and then go hide for the rest of this presidential campaign then shame on you.  Where are you alleged Christians in all of this that have the money to make the presentation of the gospel known?  Those of us behind the scenes have no way to get the word out anymore save for a few wretched blogspots like this one that has very few views.  So then those of us that want to do something for the gospel cannot these days because it really does take some financial means.  You BLESSSED PREACHERS better get busy because woe is you if you don't preach the gospel.  A great door and effectual is open unto you and yes there are many adversaries.  GET BUSY!

Some men have turned aside from the gospel of Christ unto vain jangling.  Such is Steve Van Nattan from Balaam's Ass Speak or Blessed Quietness.  He is worried about the state of America but he sits back and thinks he is a tough Texan somehow that will ride off like a cowboy into state succession and be kept safe by surrounding cowboys and ranchers.  Guess again--Texas has changed.  You're no longer SAFE anywhere.  Prepare for the fulfillment of even more scriptures because it shall and will happen:

Watch Donald Trump LIVE

If you're an American and you want this country intact you better take this next election seriously. This is looking like America's last chance but it may already be too late.  For those of you Christians that are dying to examine me closer go right ahead.  The reason I'm voting for Trump is because I think it's the best candidate who allows us to live a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.  The rest of them are rank ENEMIES OF AMERICA.  

Leave your COMMENTS below.  I already know Donald is working for Hillary and all of that but we'd still like to hear your thoughts and comments:
