Sunday, January 24, 2016

Is Harney County Oregon the new birthplace of Constitutional Awareness?

We the People are learning the U.S. CONSTITUTION


Perhaps the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT is terrified of this movement:

Listen to this woman either tell the truth or she is completely misinformed and needs someone like our President Barack Hussein Obama who claims he taught Constitutional Law:

Something is about to change in America as this Burns, Oregon situation with Ammon Bundy and the Hammond family controversy continues to unfold along with the Citizens for Constitutional Freedom. 

Even though this is a mixed multitude along with various questionable characters involved there is a rising awareness of the U.S. CONSTITUTION and that is probably not making the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT very pleased since they have all violated their OATH OF OFFICE and may all be executed for treason as ENEMIES OF AMERICA.

We may be on the verge of a real AMERICAN REVOLUTION now for sure even if Pete Santilli is a faker.  These fakers will be found out soon enough and even they will be found enemies of America masquerading as truthers and patriots.  

This situation is not over--no, not by any means whatsoever.  And more people will be en route there regardless of the county being under complete FBI OCCUPATION.  Looks like this might actually be some kind of UNCONSTITUTIONAL FEDERAL TAKEOVER:

Where's all the TRUTHERS and PATRIOT NEWS NETWORKS on this story?  They let this Pete Santilli run around here and harass people continually.  There's something more going on here:
