Wall Street responds to the Federal Reserve Bank
Ben Bernanke is THE BOSS
Here's proof that Wall Street does exactly what their boss at the Federal Reserve says. This market is COMPLETELY RIGGED and COMPLETELY PRICE CONTROLLED:
Perverse Volatility
"As a trader I have to deal with what is, not what I wish were, but even saying that, this sort of perverse volatility is further evidence in my own mind that the Fed has destroyed the integrity of the US financial markets. They are now a mere playground with no useful or legitimate commercial purpose at this point."
--Trader Dan Norcini
This chart below comes from Trader Dan Norcini. VISIT HIS SITE AT:
The same thing happened with GOLD and SILVER when Ron Paul actually was educated by Ben Bernanke back on March 1, 2012. That was the beginning of the end for GOLD and SILVER: