Sunday, May 19, 2013

Alex Jones to rescue Adam Kokesh

No doubt Alex Jones from INFOWARS will be rescuing Adam Kokesh from his recent pot smoking campaign in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania so I'm reserving the space below for further developments and also the INFOWARS coverage of Adam Kokesh.  

Is it Adam Kokesh or Adam Coke-head? or Adam Pot-ash?  We're going to find out eventually I'm sure.  Maybe this will reveal who all these Anarchists are and even some INFOWARS findings could result?  Stay tuned:

Here's an Alex Jones UPDATE on Adam Kokesh

The FED's arrested Adam Kokesh and put him in a FEDERAL JAIL.  Adam Kokesh really appeared not to do anything wrong.  His FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS were completely violated.  This is going to get NATIONAL MEDIA ATTENTION and may actually bring some serious awareness to what is going on with the FEDERAL TYRANTS and LAW ENFORCEMENT.....DEVELOPING....

The control freaks want to control MARIJUANA and HEMP.  SYYenergy7 explains a great deal on marijuana and industrial hemp:
