Saturday, January 5, 2013

Michael Savage The Wimp

Play your White Sport-coat and hide
 I'm sick of you too after two sessions

I know some people who listen to this guy Michael Savage but as tough as he seems to be on the microphone I detected he is nothing but a big mouthy coward that can talk smart on the outside but inwardly is nothing but an empty husk of self-righteousness and pride in his own achievements.  

The man says he doesn't want to wrap himself in the American Flag and talk of matters concerning The U.S. Constitution and the forefathers of America.  Well too bad for you then you sissy little limp-wrist!  Maybe he's been getting a bit used to his San Francisco culture and it's rubbing off on him now or the real Michael Savage is being revealed?  Either way he's the typical defeated American now and he's afraid of the government.  Make no mistake about it he's running like one of his little doggies he so loves with his tail between his legs:

So what does he recommend?  He turns to his attorney.  That's where we are in America and we are told to turn to the attorneys or lawyers.  Why is that?  Because there is no law of the land?  Bullshit!
