Wednesday, January 30, 2013

U.S. Army troops swarm Houston neighborhood with gunfire and take over High School


Multi-Agency Training Drill

Houston, Texas---Live gunfire erupts in a Houston neighborhood as several agencies including the U.S. Army conduct a TRAINING DRILL without prior notification of area residents.  Area residents heard live ammunition and the U.S. Army reportedly took over a High School in combat uniforms while putting the Carnegie Vanguard High School on LOCKDOWN until everyone realized it was only a drill.  Also nearby Roberts Elementary School went on LOCKDOWN.

Someone needs to interview students at Canegie Vanguard High School and this Roberts Elementary School to see if they were traumatized by the gun shots and military presence and why area residents, faculty, and students were not advised of this event prior to it's occurrence.

This must be the NEW NORMAL ACTIVITY for the POLICE STATE U.S.A.  Imagine waking up to live gunfire in your neighborhood.  And this in Texas!  What does Texas Governor Rick Perry have to say about this?  How about the Sheriff speaking out on this? 
