Saturday, January 26, 2013

Our Children Can Really Teach Us

The Seeds Of Empathy Cult

A closer look at the day care cults and how babies like this teacher "Baby Sam" can teach us.  We need that desperately in our society.   Soon the mental health industry will be having more workshops we can attend to learn from our children and sing praises to them so we can grow socially together:

Watch the day care cult

I think "Keep Austin weird" has been expanded to "Keep America weird":

This new generation of proud single mothers result in children with two daddies and two mothers growing up in day care centers which are inhabited by mental health officials in the form of social workers, counselors, psychiatrists, psychologists, teachers, and other highly educated officials.  These authorities are those who will now raise the next generation to meet their standards of conduct and discipline along with these doctrines of devils: 

Watch Professor Baby Sam here teach and empathy session to the classmates:
