Is anger criminal?
Since the country is now run by a government of popular opinion polls, talk show hosts, and news media propaganda we will have to wait and see what the polls of democracy say about this James Yeager.
What does the U.S. Constitution have to say about it? Or does it matter?
I'm curious whether the officials at the Tennessee Department Of Safety And Homeland Security have violated their OATH OF OFFICE.
Perhaps we are about to see a large group of Americans loose what are called "privileges" by those who "license" everyone with contracts to be servants to their jurisdiction?
It's rather quiet right now being the weekend but wait until CNN and Piers Morgan get their gun control task force going on this story. Perhaps Alex Jones' rant on CNN is also a threat but at least Alex said he has no intention of carrying his guns and keeps them in a lock box at all times. And many people liked it for entertainment purposes so that makes everything ok.
Also, mental health officials will be all over this to diagnose and manufacture more mental disorders, promote preventative mental evaluations and so forth. This will be a real breeding ground for more confusion and uncertainty all in the name of prevention to make the world safe for democracy and for the sake of our children.
And why is it that all these rappers that are rappin' about raping women, killing cops, and threatening all sorts of violence make millions and millions of dollars and don't get restricted for their threats? Or maybe they just carry guns anyway regardless of anyone's public opinion?
Perhaps if James Yeager would have produced a rap video saying he was going to shoot cops, rape women, and kill people he might hook up with Obama's pal and gangster Jay-Z:
One thing is certain and that is there is a danger in being angry in our sensitive society but then even God's word teaches about anger:
To be angry or not to be angry? That is the question:
He that is soon angry dealeth foolishly: and a man of wicked devices is hated.
---PROVERBS 14.17
Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: