Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Vladimir Putin puts Obama and the U.S.A. to shame!

Obama puts the U.S.A. on course for the wrath of God.  For Russia however things may be different:  

And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
---GENESIS 12.3 

Are there any men left in the U.S.A.?  How about Russia?

Notice the respecful manner of Russian people and the speech of President Vladimir Putin who does not exalt himself in his speech as such is the perverted manner of American leaders this day.  May God have mercy on the Russian people and may the grace of Christ be made known in the land that many may repent and believe the truth in Christ Jesus according to the gospel of the grace of God in Christ Jesus.

This is all rather embarrassing as the U.S.A. is now made to stink in the eyes of the world! 

So now what do the rest of us residual Americans do in the face of this new adversity?  Shall we loose ourselves amidst the "infowarriors", "patriots", and "libertarian dopers and hippies"?  Not this American!  I'll take a stand and not only uphold the U.S. Constitution but moreover I'll stand on the word of God and having done all to stand:

Time for a piano break:
