Sprott is certain to stir the silver market again:
Eric Sprott donates $10 MILLION in silver to medical center. Sprott is getting ready for a 150% increase in silver. He really wants to beat them Hunt Brothers. Looks like the pumpers will be out in full force again. I knew I shouldn't have sold out to Raw Dog. Now it's going to go up. Happens every time:
The News UNIT predicts: James Turk will make a prediction of $70 to $75 silver by 2016. :-) Who's going to call the bottom? I still say $15 by July 4th. Barnone will bust my chops some more about it...
(I think Sprott donated "PAPER SILVER" though not "PHYSICAL". Everybody is going back to PAPER SILVER.)
Here's an American making his Eric Sprott observations. Watch Raw Dog have a video update on this one. Proof that there are quite a bit of people that hang around in their underwear watching YOU TUBE VIDEOS. Ever wonder how many aliases this guy has?