Monday, June 4, 2012

North African Devil Dance

Have you been touched by the fire?  READ MORE HERE: 

You will go straight to hell.  People are beyond perverted today.  Also these Muslim devils are cruising around more and more.  Devils love confusion and chaos.  Global leaders in high places are not the only ones loaded with devils: 

Bang on those bongos like a chimpanzee you brain dead reprobates!

More nonsense as we here in America are supposed to "embrace Islam" and be forced to receive this kind of perversion while getting groped by the T.S.A. and put on FBI watch lists as potential terrorists.  What a nutbag system!

I have the mind of Christ according to the scriptures and couldn't care less what man thinks about it.  I'm rather happy that God sitteth in the heavens and laughs at them:

He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.
---PSALM 2.4

Quite honestly I'm getting rather anxious about God wrapping this world up and putting and end to it.  Let it rip!  

Can you believe what was said at this years Builderberg 2012 meeting in Chantilly, Virginia?  At least this should prove to any thinking person (who has any brains left after too much flouride and hellevision influence) who the terrorists really are:
