Saturday, January 12, 2013

Hagmann and Hagmann Report

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America is experiencing God's judgement.  

Well, that's easy to make that statement and have an audience of gaping mouths that might be astonished at such but not this man in Christ Jesus.  

I'm still reviewing this because I haven't studied these clowns in a while: 

Oh here we go:  These are the events that are coming to America.  Well, we still haven't seen an entire list of them that Steve Quayle heard from God.

God humped me?  That's what the guy said at [TIME 32:05]  God humped me.  Yea. :-)  Did you bend over and did he eat da poo poo?  You buffoon--Nathan: 

Here's what's coming on America.  Much of this will be heard on the next Lindsey Williams interview whenever that is.  Just buy some gold and silver right?  And maybe a Pro Pure water filter?
  • hyperinflation
  • banks are going to fail
  • retirement funds to be stolen by the Federal Government
  • The U.S. Constitution is to be destroyed and liberty and freedom gone
  • America is going to turn into a tyrannical dictatorship
  • another 9-11 is coming
  • war on domestic soil
  • cities to burn
  • tsunamis
  • Something is going to happen around Denver and Colorado Springs, Colorado as they go dark
  • Freshwater to be destroy
  • Dark black tornadoes of destruction (cool--I'm a storm chaser--bring it on--God might be judging some but tornadoes are a blessing for me :-))
  • Ezekiel ch. 5.16-17 applies to U.S.A. somehow.  Yawn!
  • etc.
The News UNIT Observations:
All I'm going to say right now is that this is a GENTILE NATION.  Those of us who are in Christ Jesus do not fret even though we may be annoyed by it all.  So bring it on!  I'll still fight for the law of the land and against wicked and unreasonable men regardless who tries to explain ROMANS CHAPTER 13.  Even so, come Lord Jesus.

Yea no kidding that the alleged BP oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico has some lasting effects.  I don't know what they are but if you want a good dose of conspiracy then go to the YOU TUBE CHANNEL "David Andrew Christenson" and you can soak up some of that confusion too and maybe work that into your next session of "God spoke to me..." or "God showed me..."

One thing I can say is by direct observation and studying weather all my life that these last several years have seen some very unusual weather patterns and we seem to have lost our zonal flow across the CONUS (Continental U.S.) and have extremely erratic upper, mid, and low level flows which are way outside those of seasonal norms.  And we do have a drought across the central one third of the nation which anyone can research on The Climate Prediction Center online.  

But I'm still standing against all this chem-trail conspiracy nonsense since I was 20 years an air traffic controller and would have been privy to this operation.  So I don't subscribe to the chem-trail conspiracy but there may be something to the HAARP systems or some other device that may have caused some real problems with normal atmospheric flow and altering a normal water cycle across the earth.  

For those of you who read this blog you know I do not subscribe to everything a man says pertaining to the word of God since there are many that handle the word of God deceitfully and do not rightly divide the word of truth.  And it makes no difference who they are or who they think they are or even if they claim to have a testimony that God spoke to them or they had some dream, vision or whatever revelation they claim to have.  But I do monitor these matters:

[It is] the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings [is] to search out a matter.
---PROVERBS 25.2

Oh here we go:  A Steve Quayle UPDATE:

Can't miss this one!  We'll see what Steve's God told him now.

Oh special guest "V"  Is that like another "SGTbull07" and/or "BrotherJohnF"?

Let's hear what "V" has to say:  ;-)
