Saturday, March 12, 2016

Trump Rally in Illinois assaulted by the enemies of America


Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio also attack Donald Trump

Cruz and Rubio accuse Trump of inciting violence

President Obama mocks Donald Trump

The true state of America is being revealed:

Enemies of America viciously attack Donald Trump rally and the rally was cancelled for safety. You will now see the enemy thugs of America in action against Donald Trump unlike ever before.  It's sad to watch the lies of Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio as they take shots at this situation and accuse Donald Trump of inciting violence at his rallies.  The media and even President Obama also attacked Donald Trump over the incident. 

America is turning into a land of civil unrest that is leading to disturbances in which the true state of our nation will be displayed for all the world to see:

Watch the media put together their news brief here to mock Donald Trump and then you can see what's important to America is sports and entertainment:

Here's why ALTERNATIVE MEDIA is needed to get THE REST OF THE STORY:

Watch the thug Illinois State Police assault a CBS NEWS journalist and arrest and detain him:

President Obama may delay PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION:

Obama mocks Donald Trump at fundraiser to raise more money for the Democrat Party:
