Since then this guy has been a hero:
We are a country led about by lawyers. Many lawyers have and continue to lead and destroy this nation:
Thomas DiMassimo is a hero now and he will continue his professional protester career with even a greater presence:
Some of us never broke a FEDERAL LAW in our entire life and yet we are somehow considered GUILTY or some kind of POTENTIAL THREAT. Amazing America!
After I watch Wisconsin ruin it for America and take out Donald Trump from the current presidential campaign I'm planning to move to a different state. It's hard to pick a state today in America because most of them have turned into a global community of chaos:
Thomas DiMassimo is a hero now and he will continue his professional protester career with even a greater presence:
Some of us never broke a FEDERAL LAW in our entire life and yet we are somehow considered GUILTY or some kind of POTENTIAL THREAT. Amazing America!
After I watch Wisconsin ruin it for America and take out Donald Trump from the current presidential campaign I'm planning to move to a different state. It's hard to pick a state today in America because most of them have turned into a global community of chaos: