Saturday, March 26, 2016

God sends a bird of peace at Bernie Sanders Rally

*****Our Father in heaven just endorsed Bernie Sanders*****

Bernie Sanders:  The man of peace...

Perhaps God is finished with the false Christians in the GOP and has decided to choose Bernie Sanders to lead America?  Is this a sign from heaven?

It's time to vote for Bernie Sanders

This sign from heaven truly did it for me:

I'm going to have to vote for Bernie Sanders now.  In fact I'm going to vote for him in Wisconsin's primary.  I'm tired of the alleged Christian Republicans who have a form of godliness and deny the power thereof.  So after God endorsed Bernie Sanders through this sparrow landing on his pulpit, who would want to do anything contrary?

Bernie the Jew didn't get the Mormon prophecy that Ted Cruz recently received from Glenn Beck.  Bernie didn't have a whole load of Evangelical Christian hands laid on him either from those such as Kenneth Copeland or Dr. David Jeremiah and others.  But Bernie Sanders had God send one of his sparrows down for a brief visit.  And people are taking notice of this: