Sunday, March 13, 2016

Donald Trump is a THREAT to the ENEMIES OF AMERICA



The real threat is on the enemies of America

Media says the concern is people are getting hurt and serious injury could result:

The ENEMIES OF AMERICA are terrified that people are waking up:

The real threat is that the enemies of America who happen to inhabit way too many elected positions in government are terrified of the Donald Trump movement and see America is waking up to the dangerous trends of political correctness and the real threats against We the People and the U.S. CONSTITUTION.  

You will now be labeled a threatening or even a violent person for supporting Donald Trump by all these enemies of America.  It's time to call out the enemies of America and show America who they really are and VOTE THEM OUT!

What is really happening at these Trump rallies is the enemies of America are causing mischief and contention.  They are the ones who want to create conflict that leads to violence. Mainstream media will not honestly report this but INFOWARS has below:

The enemies of America are working hard to accuse Donald Trump of inciting violence:

The mainstream media is cross examining Donald Trump and Trump continues to answer them honestly however the mainstream media will not be satisfied until they can construct their accusations in such a way that Donald Trump and even his supporters will be labeled as having violent tendencies and perhaps even some kind of mental health diagnosis.  This is the trend and the agenda of the enemies of America as they take their accusations to the next level of deceptive media practices:

Kasich, Rubio, Cruz, and others are joining forces with the liberals who hate America.  They might as well just drop out and vote for Hillary themselves:

60,000 enemies registered to take down the TRUMP RALLY...
