Sunday, October 11, 2015

Thou shalt not be offended at the teaching of Islam and Muslims in High School

 American History is now Muslim History

High School textbooks are now full of Islam education

Do not develop ISLAMOPHOBIA over this:

This is our new culture in America and it is a culture of chaos.  We the People of America are not to be offended by this but rather we are to embrace the Muslim/Islamic culture and religion and learn from it.  In fact as you can see here it is in much of the High School textbooks today as required learning.

The mental health industry will now intervene if anyone has a problem with this and you will be diagnosed with what is being called ISLAMOPHOBIA:

Are you an Islamic American?

All Americans will be taught the Muslim Religion now: 

Nest we will be told to call Muslims either Islamic Americans or Muslim Americans just like we have to call black people African Americans.  The true Americans are being phased out now and a new culture is rising up.  This is the culture of chaos:
