Saturday, October 3, 2015

Oregon School Shooting NEWS CONFERENCE LIVE


Obama's MEDIA working towards GUN LEGISLATION

What we need in America is LIVE CONFERENCES each day about all the shootings nationwide.  There needs to be a nationwide effort to STOP ALL VIOLENCE in our civilized society.  There's no room for this violence and our peace loving leaders like King Hussein Obama should address us daily on these matters:

We also need to hear how wonderful all the people are always that got killed and how it would take 18 years to explain how absolutely wonderful these people were.  As for those of us who are considered RADICAL FUNDAMENTALIST EXTREMIST CHRISTIAN GUN OWNERS we need to be made guilty for what is going on across America even though we have no intentions of harming ourselves or anyone else.  I guess we have the POTENTIAL to be POTENTIAL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS because of personal arsenals of firearms or whatever stereotype the court of public opinion wishes to describe us as:

I don't know what could possibly be so important again so as to have another NEWS CONFERENCE on this shooting but then President Obama gave the decree for the media and other enemies of America to get busy on this UNCONSTITUTIONAL GUN LEGISLATION MOVEMENT against we the people:
