Thursday, October 8, 2015

Obamacare ruins a Wisconsin medical research company Exact Sciences

Exact Sciences Corporation destroyed by Obama (EXAS)

How the Affordable Healthcare Ruins companies

Here's another reason why Donald Trump needs to be president of the United States of America.  Not only that but he needs to appoint several reputable and knowledgeable men to head certain positions such as Michael Savage for the NIH to improve our nation's health and healthcare system.  

Right now because of greedy politics and loads of waste, fraud, and abuse for years, this nation is reaping a whirlwind of destruction even if people think somehow that this economy is portrayed to be doing well by massive amounts of manipulation and deceitful bookkeeping.  

It's time to make America America again and thereby it might have a chance to be made great again:

Now here's what happens to a company like this.  Obama's special interest groups, bankers, and hedge fund managers swarm over the stock and short it into bankruptcy.  It's not about growth or improving things with the Obama government.  It's about deceiving and being deceived and profiting through greed.
