Saturday, October 10, 2015

Obama the hospital shooter vs. active shooters in America


Do you actively SHOOT YOUR GUNS?

These terms and phrases can be completely misunderstood

Is President Obama an ACTIVE SHOOTER?

You might be an ACTIVE SHOOTER on your video games:

Well you could be and ACTIVE SHOOTER such as myself if you shoot your guns regularly.  Or if you are a lawless evil person who has a lust to kill people you might be a different ACTIVE SHOOTER who desires to harm others when you make the news headlines and assault people to commit murder.

The problem worldwide is a sin problem.  And that sin problem shall continue until Jesus changes things at his next glorious appearing.  In the meantime evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived and also the VIDEO GAME VIOLENCE will train more of this next generation to commit more violence and assault people in GUN FREE ZONES and beyond:
