Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Is Pope Francis I the Worshipful Master?

Pope Francis I QUIZ -- SELF STUDY

The powers that be and them that have the rule over you:

1)  The powers the be are ordained of God right?

  • Check ROMANS 13 for the answer.  

2)  Is Pope Francis I one of the "powers that be?"

  • Check ROMANS 13 for the answer.
 3)  Is Pope Francis one of them that have the rule over you?

  • Check HEBREWS 13 for the answer.

4)  Does Pope Francis I watch our souls?

  • Check HEBREWS 13 for the answer.

Pope Francis I has now left the United States of America and he was well received by many including the powers that be in Congress, the U.N., the Roman Catholic Church, the media, other elected officials and supposed representatives of We the People of the United States of America.   So who is this man?  Is he just a man?  Or is he the man of God?

Some say he might be a Worshipful Master.  Some say he's the Antichrist, man of sin, son of perdition, the Beast, the false prophet, that Wicked, the pontiff, the pope, His Holiness, the Vicar of Christ, and various other descriptions.  Who do you think this man is?
