Friday, October 9, 2015

Is America heading for a CIVIL WAR over GUNS?


Will this lead to a war in America?

And may God bless America--right? 

Some say all hell could break loose in America soon if guns are banned in America.  All hell is going to break loose on America all right as this nation is turned into hell:

The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.
--PSALM 9.17

Ask yourselves this question:  Has America forgotten God?   

But there's more ladies and gentlemen:

The Lord has many in derision and his wrath will follow:

I saved the best for last and this is only the beginning.  And I thank God and our Saviour Jesus Christ (I speak to them that believe) that he has given us his exceeding precious promises and that we can comfort one another with his word even in these perilous times and withstand against the evil day.

There is trouble coming and it has already arrived.  But those that are in trouble as them that believe not are in far greater trouble than those of us in Christ Jesus who are troubled on every side yet not in despair.  We shall watch soon as them who obey not God are deluded by God's strong delusion.  I thank God for this and rejoice that his word is true and his righteousness is fulfilled in us.  

For now many of you are dull of hearing and you are heaping to yourselves teachers having itching ears.  You are looking for the next new thing in the news or school shooting or so you can wallow in the mire of the mainstream media.  Well let me tell you something:  The media is going mad and they are losing their minds.  Many other minds (not in Christ Jesus) and consciences are seared as with a hot iron and they are going to implode with one another into great chaos, confusion, and every evil work.  

God is going to have the last laugh as he that sitteth in the heavens is laughing already.  READ THE FOLLOWING COMMENTARY AND WEEP for America.  It's highly likely the last days for America even if Donald Trump gets in the White House: 
