Tuesday, October 13, 2015

God has postponed the HARPAZO or RAPTURE; GREAT TRIBULATION delayed

Is God the author of confusion?

Mark Blitz hears from God with a new message

RAPTURE and GREAT TRIBULATION on 7 year delay  

God has told so many people so many different things.  Prophetesses like Anita Fuentes, Lyn Leahz, and Lisa Haven, along with various prophets, pastors, and teachers such as Steve Quayle, Paul Kidd and others are now facing a DELAY OF DEPARTURE in the RAPTURE or if they don't believe in the RAPTURE at least there's a delay in the GREAT TRIBULATION. 

So for now I must conclude that your god is a liar since he tells these people one thing and does another.  They are either false prophets or prophetesses or they just don't have their connection with God set up to get the message clearly.  Personally I have concluded that all of these men and women are the liars so let us who are of the day watch them self destruct now into trying to explain their lies and deceit:



Do you really hear from God?

I have a suggestion for the great and notable Evangelist Anita Fuentes here:  You should FAST and PRAY and seek God's face and get the message straight.  Perhaps write a book when you get your new revelation for the year 2022 since all the 2's add up to 6 which is the number of man and--YES!--that must be the year.  Perhaps your God is not hearing you lately and you're not hearing him correctly.  You better get with the rest of the mighty men of God and get this all cleared up.  People that don't study the scriptures are counting on you to tell them what God said.  At least you have 7 years to get the message straight for next time:

Also them that believe not can eat, drink, and be merry now for 7 years and then get right with God later on.  Let's party!  The rest of these prophets and prophetesses will be busy now trying to figure this out.  I'm going to hang out with the sinners now like Jesus did.  See you in 7 years--LOL:

I mock you false prophets and prophetesses

And it came to pass at noon, that Elijah mocked them, and said, Cry aloud: for he is a god; either he is talking, or he is pursuing, or he is in a journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and must be awaked.
--I KINGS 18.27