Friday, October 9, 2015

Another GUN FREE ZONE SHOOTING at Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, Arizona shooting

Northern Arizona University

1 DEAD, 3 WOUNDED so far...

Obama can carve another notch in his belt as an OATH OF OFFICE VIOLATOR along with other men in high places who have legislated anti-constitutional gun restrictions and infringements to the SECOND AMENDMENT while more people are killed or injured as a result.  Nevertheless expect more GLOBALIST PROPAGANDA to restrict guns instead of abolishing all unconstitutional legislation nationwide in all states as they did in the Supreme Court when they recently opened up SAME-SEX MARRIAGE:

America is in peril and the enemies of America both foreign and domestic are foaming out of the mouth with their own shame.  Others will die because they are disarmed--it's only a matter of time:


Obama will not be liked by many in Roseburg, Oregon.  Will he cancel his appearance there?  I'm sure he will have LOADS OF SECURITY AND ARMED MEN PROTECTING HIM IN THAT GUN FREE ZONE.  The men in high places like Obama are scared all the time and they need GUNS protecting them.  But We the People are under a different set of rules:

The Gunman is 18 year old Steven Jones:
