Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Republicans at war amongst themselves over Donald Trump

Republican Party focused on Donald Trump instead of America

I said in my haste, All men are liars.
--PSALM 116.11

We now watch the Republican Party destroy themselves while the enemies of America are rejoicing to see the country move further toward their global initiatives and political correctness.

Donald Trump might have to back off now as the Republican Party destroys themselves.  He will either have to go on as an independent or just simply exit the race entirely now.  Politics is the rule in America and there's likely a greater power to get Hillary Clinton in to promote and further the globalist agendas.

Some say Senator Rand Paul is also working for the establishment and I wouldn't doubt it.  Many of these men are suspect as even dear old dad went to the dark side after he retired:

And so we see that the best of men are men at best.  So now move aside men and get ready for the GLOBAL EMPOWERMENT OF WOMEN to rule over us.  You don't think so?  You do err not knowing the scripture nor the power of God as he judges the world: