Tuesday, August 18, 2015

All Hell is About to be Unleashed!

The experts continue to forecast SHTF

WARNING SIGNS for September/October this year

The experts continue to cry wolf while the majority of Americans no longer care because they are continually wrong.  At least it makes for good entertainment and alternative news.  Remember the foundations of America are entertainment and education.

So we will be watching how Louis Farrakhan takes on Washington D.C. and starts a revolution on October 10th.  We will also be watching OATH KEEPERS hand out AR-15's in Ferguson, Missouri and all the other trouble supposedly coming in September and October this year:

WELL-OILED DISASTER is coming says Mike Maloney...

MAJOR Sakurajima VOLCANO threatens Japan.  Could this be that hell hath enlarged herself and is bubbling up to the earth's surface?

Is the wrath of God burning America?

Some say the wrath of God has fallen upon the western United States and now the U.S. MILITARY is being deployed there.  Do you think they can fight against God?

But if it be of God, ye cannot overthrow it; lest haply ye be found even to fight against God.
--ACTS 5.39


Dr. Chuck Missler talks about the coming storm.  He moved to New Zealand already: