Tuesday, June 18, 2013

America: It is finished!

Indeed it is finished!  Is there any good news?

Michael Savage says now that this country is moving directly into a fascist dictatorship.  This is the greatest destruction of America and it is the end of everything we know...

The answer to 1984 is 1611 A.V.

The T of LGBT and standing up for change

"Little kids are hilarious because little kids will all say, 'Are you a girl or are you a boy?'"
--Mel Wymore

He used to be a mom.  Do his kids call him dad now?

I actually sat in front of a psychologist for the usual government exam and they asked me if I was gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or heterosexual.  I answered, "I'm normal."  The mental health professional reared back, looked on me with anger and said with a sneer, "Well I think they're all normal."  Well, how about my answer then?  I said "I'm normal."  So I answered correct didn't I?  :-)  So it doesn't matter if you're LGBT or heterosexual, they're all normal.  Then why ask?

Tyranny is here!
