14-year-old criminal Jared Marcum
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Logan County, West Virginia--Welcome to the POLICE STATE. And O yes this is going on in many schools across the nation. I was told by a friend of mine who's 19-years-old that when he knows of 6th through 8th graders being arrested in our local school here on various occasions. Even for trumped up allegations and teacher's words against theirs. They actually handcuff these boys and so forth.
We can expect more of this as we really don't have the need for real dad's intervention anymore and when the school systems have more authority than parents do as all of our constitutional rights are violated and even our children are left to be openly assaulted by teachers who call in the police over every little situation. What a mess!
We are now watching police make criminals out of America's children. Unless of course they march in lock-step to the Soviet rule.
These parents have their son arrested before he committed a crime with an AR-15? But one problem: He committed no crime. Well maybe he actually did here at a Walmart with a knife. But he was committed to a mental hospital for bomb threats and other threats. Quite a contrast between that an wearing an NRA T-SHIRT ABOVE:
We are now watching police make criminals out of America's children. Unless of course they march in lock-step to the Soviet rule.
Some parents turn in their sons ahead of time
These parents have their son arrested before he committed a crime with an AR-15? But one problem: He committed no crime. Well maybe he actually did here at a Walmart with a knife. But he was committed to a mental hospital for bomb threats and other threats. Quite a contrast between that an wearing an NRA T-SHIRT ABOVE:
CNN's Piers Morgan likes this because he can assault the AR-15 some more...
Maybe we do have a generation of criminals rising up? We never played all these video games killing people when I was in school. Perhaps running around on a computer screen and entertaining yourself by killing everyone is going to lead this direction? Beware of this next generation!