Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The News UNIT braces for unsubscribers:

Things are about to get rough so hang in there folks:

The News UNIT faces those who are unhappy with both my silver expectations and the fact that I was $11 short of my $15 expectation.  I'm sorry I'm not as well received as The Eric Sprott Cartel where James Turk was only $41 off on his May 18, 2012 prediction.  But go ahead and UNSUBSCRIBE or whatever makes you feel better about yourself.  I'm glad the other geniuses also from the NIA cartel like SGTbull07 who had cases for $500 and $700 silver were so well received by you precious metals junkies.  

And if you haven't figured out what The News UNIT it you better read again above.  Remember this is not the news media; this is The News UNIT.

  • Welp another WRONG DUMBASS! Silver DIDN't go to $15.00! UNSUBSCIBING!
  • You know I'm really going to miss you. I spent the last 17 hours after your post just sweating it out. But let me say this. I was only $11 away from my expectations while James Turk ended up $41 dollars off his May 18, 2012 prediction. So although I'm not one of the big names on The News UNIT I do consider my silver expectations and direction over the past year to be quite accurate in this difficult market. Good bye and good riddance!

Actually I hope many of you go away really because I don't miss the trolls and mouthy troublemakers who like to roam around with their mischief.  Go hang out with BrotherJohnF, SGTbull07, Christ Duane and many others of that ilk.  You'll fit in much better.
