Wednesday, July 4, 2012

The Master Pattern says Romney needs Ron Paul

Dr. Bob talks about some of his personal stock pics such as AMZN, GE, SBUX, and BBY, etc.  Also he mentions the need for Mitt Romney to have Ron Paul has his running mate.  I agree with Bob and I would go so far as to say that Mitt Romney and Ron Paul would win the election.  There's not enough of this being talked about right now and that's a real shame on those that call themselves "truthers" and "patriots".  They better get their mind off gold and silver and on this election!

Also Bob talks about the Obamacare and what the IRS has to do with it.  Isn't it interesting that the IRS is getting more involved in our lives now?  How about them "freemen"?  I wonder if they will be able to say "I don't consent to your jurisdiction" much longer?  What you are witnessing here is the nation being torn apart.  And indeed it is!