It's over folks! There's no hope. God is probably corrupt too now. Since this book called "The Holy Bible" is written by man it's corrupt. God created corruption and there are lies in the Holy Bible. But there is much much truth in there too. So can we have someone write a book and show which is true in there and which is a lie? We need a new book. But how can we know that book isn't corrupt too?
So the conclusion is: EVERYTHING IS CORRUPT and THERE IS NO HOPE. Eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.
The only thing that matter is what God shows us or when he speaks to us. But I wonder if God is a lie too? Is God a liar?
Let man be true and God a liar? Not for me but for you if you want it to be so then have at it. I'll never believe this nonsense. Even if some angelic form came down in my yard here to talk to me and tell me to follow "Stony" or whoever else hears from God I'd simply tell them to go back straight to hell from whence that spirit came:
Stoney blocked me on his YOU TUBE channel. Wowee! I'll post one of his pals videos below. I have to conclude that these men are reprobates now who have trodden under foot the Son of God and have done despite unto the Spirit of grace. You screaming idiots know not the word of God and you rejected the Holy Ghost because that word is the spirit of truth. Mock the 66 books of the bible you devils. MOCK ON! I'll never stop rubbing your nose in it. You are of your father the Devil!
Listen to this blabbering idiot scream and pout like a vessel inhabited by devils which is what this really is. You who mock the word of God are going to be judged by the word of God on that day. Mock on! You don't have the Holy Ghost at all and know not the gospel of Christ nor the power of God.