Thursday, May 10, 2012

Try the spirits

Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
---I JOHN 4.1

For those of you who do not believe on the Lord Jesus Christ according to the truth of the scriptures need to hear this:

Here's an example of trying the spirits:  I saw this message on a message board below and I decided to leave a comment about it.  People accuse me of being a shill or troll or whatever but you can lay any charge you want against me because God hath justified me:

  • if you are sinning dont count on grace to save have a choice, live in rightousness and holiness or sin.. if you know the right way and not walk in it you will be held accountable.this is the age of grace, but the door will close, and then the judgement.
  • You know what you've done? You have done despite unto the Spirit of grace. I'm saved by grace and you can count on it. Go read HEBREWS 10.29 and think about that for a while. THE NEWS UNIT dot COM