All these main silver pumpers that I have exposed on The News UNIT are traders and are running massive short positions in options and futures. They are working the market to make fiat money just like anyone else does. They are not honest people trying to tell grandma and grandpa how to save their 401K's and IRA's but they are people looking to trap middle class naive people into their scams. Watch gold and silver crash now down to some very low levels. I have had people give me death threats for saying this but I don't really give a damn. Although I don't know where the market will end up now it is obvious this is not a bull market. This market is in another cycle and those that are short the market are prospering. They will go long again one day but they are looking to ride silver from $7 up to $15 and $20. You watch them talk it up again below $10. Just another wealth cycle as Mike Maloney says. Get out of gold and silver and whatever other metal you have and just save your cash right now. Don't be a hero. Raw Dog is right on here and all you pumpers are forever exposed. We never trusted you before and we will never believe you:
And now for some LOGIC, REASON, and CALM SPEAKING on the subject of GOLD and SILVER: