Friday, January 4, 2013

Russian T.V. U.S.A. Attacks INFOWARS For Spreading Fear-mongering And Paranoia

The Russian T.V. agenda moving forward

Russia T.V. U.S.A. schools their viewers on what "healthy skepticism" is compared to INFOWARS "conspiracy theorists" who they now claim are spreading misinformation through fear mongering and paranoia.  We can certainly trust Vladimir Putin's Russian T.V. U.S.A. as they are working hard also to disarm America for our protection and to make the world safe for democracy.

Russian T.V. says INFOWARS' theories on various current events are so bizarre.  I notice Russian T.V. America has George Hemminger or "George 4 Title" as one of their sources and now they mention "people like Alex Jones" who capitalize on events such as the Sandy Hook shooting and turn it into a conspiracy theory.  They also want to school "creationists" who believe in God and school them into receiving evolution.

Well, how about that Russian T.V. America.  They are the "good" conspiracy theorists compared to the wackos.  We have foreign enemies in media now.  Looks like "we the people" have our hands full of enemies now across the land.  What will we do?  Sit back and take this abuse?

One thing is certain:  Alex Jones and INFOWARS has their hands full now.  America is really under direct attack from without and within.  This is not a game anymore:


Here's absolute PROOF that INFOWARS and Alex Jones though previously reporting dangerous Illinois gun legislation now follows up with an UPDATE of "good news".  This is not FEAR MONGERING, MISINFORMATION and PARANOIA as Russian T.V. America is accusing INFOWARS of!  This is good follow up journalism and accurate reporting.

Alex Jones is directly under attack now by a multitude of media who will use anything to destroy INFOWARS and their news reporting credibility.  Get ready for more INFO-BATTLES against INFOWARS.  We need more INFOWARRIORS that will take a stand against these enemies of The U.S. Constitution both foreign an domestic:

Does Mark Dice work for Russian T.V. USA?

I'm beginning to wonder if Mark Dice is on a mission and paid by Russian T.V. to attack Alex Jones here.  I know I've been infiltrated by those who have been trying to convince me that Alex Jones is a liar.  What I believe is we have multitudes of enemies both foreign and domestic that are moving in now to destroy INFOWARS and take down any information outlets other than government approved media sources.  That is exactly what the globalists want to do is to destroy The U.S. Constitution and destroy America:
