Friday, January 4, 2013

Michael Savage Reports Islamic Takeover Of America

Many are reporting that the Obama regime is working closely with "The Muslim Brotherhood" and you can expect the Muslims are coming and so is Sharia Law.   If you don't believe the Muslims are going to take over America then you don't get out much.  Go visit any airport and observe who the taxi drivers are at airports.  Also take a ride through Dearborn, Michigan sometime and see how it feels.  

I was coming out of work one time at Reagan National Airport in Washington, D.C. and remember a lady with her luggage screaming "I want an American taxi driver!"  She was very upset and I gave her a ride home.  I'll never forget that as it was before 9-11 and before the airport's name was changed from Washington National Airport.  She would have been arrested for a hate crime now and perhaps even tasered by police:
